Monday, March 23, 2009

Three Things About This Friday

Three things about this Friday:

1. One can savor the weekend.

2. The Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo kick off for the 52nd

3. The Texian Army, of 500 men including Commander
Col. James Fannin were executed, in 1836, after a surrender
order was written. Genral Urrea, under the command of
General Santa Anna, violated the surrender agreement
which caused great outrage, leading to a total victory over
Santa Anna at San Jacinto 24 days later. (Remember Goliad.)
On March 27th, The Sons of the Republic of Texas ask that
everyone join them in honoring all of the men-
Who sacrificed and paid the ultimate price to live with freedom
from tyranny and oppression. Heroes today, as much as back
Learn More
Texas Handbook Online
e-mail with this information
sent by Jerry Gay, Sr.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

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