Monday, November 30, 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Society Meeting For December 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Society Meeting for December 2009 will be Tuesday December 8th, at 7 p.m. Meet and greet is at 6:30 p.m. Our meetings are located at the R.B. Tullis Library in New Caney, and are every second Tuesday of the month.

Join us in preserving our history.

We will have a Christmas dinner for the December meeting of the Society. It will be Tuesday, December 8th at the R B Tullis, Library on the 59 Hwy access road just north of Community Drive, from 6:30 to 9 p.m.. The turkey will be furnished but side dishes and desserts are welcome. To add to the festivities everyone is asked to tell what your favorite Christmas gift was and why it was your favorite. This can be one you received or one you gave. Please join us for this wonderful time of fellowship.
Written by Barbara Hamilton/Historian


Friday, November 27, 2009

East Montgomery County Historical Society Garage Sale

The East Montgomery County Historical Society will be hosting a

garage sale at the future East County Museum next to the Porter

Fire Station on Saturday, December 5th, from 9a.m.-4 p.m.

Proceeds will go to restoring our Old Community Building,

which will serve to benefit our community, as a museum.

Three Good Things About Being 102 Years Old

Three good things about being 102 years old:

1. You know a lot.

2. You've learned a lot.

3. You get to eat shrimp and french fries on your birthday.


That is what Abbie Lee Pace, from Patton Village said-

Now presiding in Porter, at Caring Hands, giving gardening

tips, enjoying life, striving straight ahead.



Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Ways To Keep Up With Next Year

Three ways to keep up with next year:

1. Pray.

2. Write a few notes.

3. Order a calendar.


Mom's Time Out at St. John of the Cross,

in New Caney, has pocket ones for sale-

Fits in the purse, and with its use, to keep

up, one cannot fail.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Three Things That The Splendora High School Library In East Montgomery County Does To Entice New Readers

Three things that the Splendora High School Library In East

Montgomery County does to entice new readers:

1. Naming the library's goldfish.

2. Tootsie Roll guessing contest.

3. Chess table added.


The book trailer competition is the latest one-

Let's give librarian Rhea Young and librarian aide

Karen Kimmons, a big hand, for a great and creative

ongoing job done.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Monday, November 23, 2009

Three Things About Hunter Clift Of Splendora

Three things about Hunter Clift of Splendora:

1. He is a senior at Splendora High School.

2. He recently attained Eagle Scout.

3. He made wooden benches for Peach Creek

Elementary School's music room.


He will go far no doubt-

This Splendora High School

Eagle Scout.



Mary Elizabeth Rumsey

East Montgomery County

Three Things About Hunter Clift Of Splendora

Three things about Hunter Clift of Splendora:

1. He is a senior at Splendora High School.

2. He recently attained Eagle Scout.

3. He made wooden benches for Peach Creek

Elementary School's music room.


He will go far no doubt-

This Splendora High School

Eagle Scout.


Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Three Things About The First Fundraiser Regarding The Dinosaur Park Coming To East Montgomery County

Three things about the first fundraiser regarding the Dinosaur Park coming to East Montgomery County:

1. It will be on December 8.

2. Location will be the East Montgomery County Improvement

District Complex.

3. Hours are social hour at 6 p.m., dinner at 7, and the program

begins at 7:30.


The developers, Dr. Matt Gardner and 'Dino' Don Lessem, about the

theme park and museum, will have much to say-

$75 per person, to R.S.V.P., call 281-354-4419, before Dec. 2, to

get your reservation underway.



Mary Elizabeth Rumsey

East Montgomery County

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Three Things That Young People From East Montgomery County Do

Three things that young people from
East Montgomery County do:

1. Become police officers and firemen.

2. Travel in space.

3. Create logos.


Addison Weigand is the one from East Montgomery

Who designed the winning logo for the Family Time
Crisis and Counseling Center's Hearts of Gold gala,
which will be held in January.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
East Montgomery County

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Society Wraps Up 2009

Well, The East Montgomery County Historical Society

Meetings in 2009, are wrapping up for the year-

And an interesting one we had, is the message that

is quite clear.


Kati Thornton, a senior at Splendora High School,

was presented with a check for $100 at our April 14th

meeting, for the creation of our logo, for The East

Montgomery County Historical Society.

During March, we listened to Judge Metts, Justice of

the Peace, Precinct 4-

Talk about his family history, the Town of Security,

and so much more.

In April, Lonnie Needham spoke all about the Needham's

family history-

A family that lived off of Northpark, before it was paved,

and has deep roots in East Montgomery County.

May, brought us Mr. Monte Lane and Mr. Roy Roy Harris,

the former heavyweight boxer, from Grangerland/Cut 'n"


These two had interesting stories, without dispute.

June, was highlighted by Mr. Larry Spasic, from the San

Jacinto Battleground-

A speaker coming from where much Texas history can be


July, was the month that our Historian Barbara Hamilton,

did so well and perfectly-

"Ways to Display and Share Family History".

In August, Precinct 4 Constable Rowdy Hayden-

Gave us details, about his family, from way back when.

In September, Kameron Searle, gave us the history of

Montgomery County, The Lake Creek Settlement-

Much time digging into the past, was time well spent.

October, brought Jerry Blunt and Ford family member

Elbert Ford-

Very local history, during our meeting, was revealed

and soared.

November, brought us Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Duke, Rayford

a descendant of Jeremiah Profit Duke and Mary Elizabeth

Tullis Duke, in grand East Montgomery County style-

We learned much from them, as they chatted with us for a


R. B. Tullis was the brother of

Mary Elizabeth Tullis Duke.

Join us in 2010, as we begin anew-

As much more history in East

Montgomery County,there is to acrue.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey

East Montgomery County

Porter Firefighter In Need

Lieutenant Larry Weaver (of Porter Fire Department) son Brandon is 11, he is in the hospital and needs a heart/lung transplant, and has been in the hospital for several weeks. Our fire fighters have been teaming up to take over shifts to help cover Larry's shift so that he not only has funds but keeps his insurance without having to take a leave of absence. All three of "my Chiefs'" went up there a week ago to check on how things were going and Larry has been at the hospital day in day out. Anyhow, his house was purchased as a shell home and basically has not had any work done and has gotten worse as times as gone along, time and money have been spent on the child and his medical expenses. The fire men have been working on his house and repairing it or building it so to speak. The family is in need of everything from furniture, dishes, bedding, towels, money, etc. To the best of my knowledge Chief Teverbaugh has been the person most involved in a large portion of the remodeling. If you can pass this along, or if you have any furniture, or anything that you can donate, we will pick it up from wherever need be. We need everything fixtures, dishes, you name it and if you would like to help please let us know. Diann Wilck Office Administrator281-354-6666 Office281-354-2043