Saturday, November 14, 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Society Wraps Up 2009

Well, The East Montgomery County Historical Society

Meetings in 2009, are wrapping up for the year-

And an interesting one we had, is the message that

is quite clear.


Kati Thornton, a senior at Splendora High School,

was presented with a check for $100 at our April 14th

meeting, for the creation of our logo, for The East

Montgomery County Historical Society.

During March, we listened to Judge Metts, Justice of

the Peace, Precinct 4-

Talk about his family history, the Town of Security,

and so much more.

In April, Lonnie Needham spoke all about the Needham's

family history-

A family that lived off of Northpark, before it was paved,

and has deep roots in East Montgomery County.

May, brought us Mr. Monte Lane and Mr. Roy Roy Harris,

the former heavyweight boxer, from Grangerland/Cut 'n"


These two had interesting stories, without dispute.

June, was highlighted by Mr. Larry Spasic, from the San

Jacinto Battleground-

A speaker coming from where much Texas history can be


July, was the month that our Historian Barbara Hamilton,

did so well and perfectly-

"Ways to Display and Share Family History".

In August, Precinct 4 Constable Rowdy Hayden-

Gave us details, about his family, from way back when.

In September, Kameron Searle, gave us the history of

Montgomery County, The Lake Creek Settlement-

Much time digging into the past, was time well spent.

October, brought Jerry Blunt and Ford family member

Elbert Ford-

Very local history, during our meeting, was revealed

and soared.

November, brought us Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Duke, Rayford

a descendant of Jeremiah Profit Duke and Mary Elizabeth

Tullis Duke, in grand East Montgomery County style-

We learned much from them, as they chatted with us for a


R. B. Tullis was the brother of

Mary Elizabeth Tullis Duke.

Join us in 2010, as we begin anew-

As much more history in East

Montgomery County,there is to acrue.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey

East Montgomery County

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