Saturday, October 24, 2009

East Montgomery County Historical Society November Meeting 2009

Speakers at the November 10th meeting of the East Montgomery County Historical Society will be genealogy researchers and residents of Splendora, Mr. and Mrs. Rayford Duke. Rayford is a direct descendant of Jeremiah Profit Duke and Mary Elizabeth Tullis, an early pioneer family of Splendora. The meeting will be held at the R. B. Tullis Library on Hwy 59 access road north of Community Drive. R.B. Tullis, for whom the library was named, was the older brother of Mary Elizabeth Tullis Duke. Meet and Greet will start at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come and learn more of this pioneer family.

-Written by Barbara Hamilton, EMCHS Historian-

Three Successful Golf Tournaments

Three successful golf tournaments:

1. Masters.

2. U.S. Open.

3. The Community Chamber of Commerce of East Montgomery

County Golf Tournament.


At Oakhurst Golf Club, much success there was to be-

With a delicious lobster dinner, and many generous folksoff to tee.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey

Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Saturday, October 17, 2009

EMCHS Garage Sale Held

The East Montgomery County Historical Society hosted a
garage sale at the future East County Museum next to the Porter
Fire Station Saturday Sept 26, from 9a.m.- 4 p.m. Proceeds went
to restoring our Old Community Building, which will serve to
benefit our community, as a museum.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
East Montgomery County

Three Things That The New Caney And Splendora Students Learned While Participating In The 24th Annual East Montgomery County Fair And Rodeo

Three things that the New Caney and Splendora students

learned while participating in the 24th annual East

Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo held at Bull SallasPark:

1. They learned to take care of their animals.

2. They learned the art of sportsmanship.

3. They learned how to handle responsibility.


Congratulations to everyone-

In East County we are all proud for a job well done..


Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things About Nia Ramirez

Three things about Nia Ramirez:

1. She is a sophomore at Splendora High School.

2. She is active in her youth group at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church.

3. She was recently selected to participate in Nationals' 2009 Miss

Jr. Teen Houston pageant competition.


May she forge ahead with her dream-

Of pursuing a college degree to becomea model/stylist, full steam.


Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things About The New Caney Garden Club

Three things about the New Caney Garden Club:

1. It recently held its first meeting of the season.

2. It plans to visit other gardens, and take side trips.

3. The club meets on the third Tuesday of each month

at 9:30 a.m. at A. V. "Bull" Sallas Park.


Gardening is rewarding and just as fun as it can be-

Especially when you join this club, here in East Mongtomery County..


Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Places To Find A Camel

Three places to find a camel:

1. Australia.

2. Middle East.

3. New Caney.
"Animal Parties" is the place to see-
Patrick, the 11 year old camel who resides in East Montgomery County..

Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things That The New Caney High School Honor Society Has Been Up To Lately

Three things that the New Caney High School Honor Society has been up to lately:

1. Making good grades.

2. Setting a good example.

3. Ensuring that the troops of Chaos Company, First Battalion,

67th Armored Regiment in Iraq spent more time talking with

family members during the summer.


Money collected in the individual classrooms for a good reason-

For our troops calling home is always in season.


Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things About Porter High School

Three things about Porter High School:

1. It will open in the fall of 2010.

2. It will consist of grades 9-11 that year.

3. There are two community town hall-style

meetings scheduled later this month to discuss

the transition for students who will attend in

the 2010-2011 school year.


Monday, Sept. 21, at New Caney High School Annex Bldg.

in the LGI room, at 6:30 p.m., an open house night too-

And Thursday, Sept. 24, at the Sixth Grade Campus at 6:30 p.m.,

a second meeting to follow through..


Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three That Were Born on Sept 9

Three that were born on Sept 9:

1. Brian De Palma-Director. (1940)

2. Betsy Drake-Actress. (1923)

3. Robert L. Crippen-Astronaut. (1937)
Happy Birthday from all of East MontgomeryCounty-
Robert L. Crippen, a graduate of New Caney High School, in New Caney..

Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The East Montgomery County Chamber Cookbooks Have Arrived

The EMC Chamber Cookbooks have arrived and are ready
for you to purchase and pickup at the Chamber office.
These cookbooks feature the best recipes of the families
in East Montgomery County. They are very nice and make
great holiday gifts. Order one for all the great cooks in your family.

Cost $20 Each ( if you submitted a recipe, the cost is $15 )
Hardback, with over 300 recipes.
History of EMC, Historical photos of the area.
Glossary, Cooking Tips, Measurement Conversions and more.