Thursday, March 6, 2008

Three Ways To Preserve History In East Montgomery County

Three ways to preserve history in East Montgomery County:

1. Write down what you see.

2. Write down what you know.

3. Blend that in with what once was.
The East Montgomery County Historical Society-
History, both past and present, blending together, perfectly.

East Montgomery County Historical Society Official Site .

Three thoughts of anyone from Montgomery County early in the morning:

1. Weather.

2. Breakfast.

3. Traffic.
At such a growing pace-
Move over, and let me have my space.

Three reasons to preserve history:

1. For fun.

2. For enlightenment.

3. For the future.
The road of life is easier to track-
If one has the opportunity,now and then to look back.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

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