Monday, March 30, 2009

Three Things About California

Three things about California:

1. It is the third largest state.

2. It has a lot of movie stars. 3.

It is where the New Caney High School Band went to compete in the Heritage Festival.
The concert band won a gold rating and second place, and were invited to attend the Festival of Gold-
While the jazz band earned a silver rating and second place,with great elation from all, is what I've been told.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Society Meeting For April 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Society Meeting for April 2009 will be Tuesday April 14th, at 7 p.m. Meet and greet is at 6:30 p.m. Our meetings are located at the R.B. Tullis Library in New Caney, and are every second Tuesday of the month.


Mr. Lonnie Needham

Family History
of the
East Montgomery County

The Needhams were one
of the first ones at best-
To reside in the "original"
livable forest.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
East Montgomery County

Three Future Projects For The East Montgomery County Beautification Committee

Three future projects for the East Montgomery County Beautification Committee:

1. Landscaping the East County Museum, when it is in a permanentlocation.

2. More planting at the Lake Houston Park.

3. Many more projects that will come along.
At Texas Sawmill Festival 2009 on April 18 the committee-
Will hold a plant sale to raise monies to buy all of the supplies needed to beautify East Montgomery County..

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Places To Plant Seeds

Three places to plant seeds:

1. In a garden.

2. In a pot.

3. All over East Montgomery County.

That is what the East Montgomery County Beautification Committeestrives to do-
Headed up by President, Barbara Eagan, much accomplishment they do acrue..

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things That The East Montgomery County Beautification Committee Does

Three things that the East Montgomery County Beautification Committee does:

1. They plant seeds.

2. They beautify the area by removing bandit signs, litter, abandoned cars, and junk trailers.

3. They aid in the improvement of animal control.
Along with saving trees, and encouraging others to beautify their property-
They also teach school children about protecting our environment, right here in East Montgomery County.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Reasons That Mr. Andy Dill Was So Happy This Week

Three reasons that Mr. Andy Dill was so happy this week:

1. 8 pounds, 6 ounces.

2. 20 1/4 inches long.

3. Presenting Mary Addison "Maddi" Dill.
A brand new granddaughter, born on March 25th, 2009-
And we know that no prouder grandfather of three could
we possibly find.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Exciting Things About The Community Chamber of Commerce Of East Montgomery County's Monthly Luncheon

Three exciting things about the Community Chamber of Commerce of East Montgomery County's Monthly Luncheon:

1. Interesting speakers.

2. Delicious local catered foods.

3. Great hospitality from the Chamber Staff.
And this month's speaker will be-
Laura Wilkinson, 2000 Olympic Platform Gold Medalwinner hailing from Montgomery County.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Three Places Where One Had A Really Great Lunch Yesterday

Three places where one had a really great lunch yesterday:

1. At school.

2. At home.

3. At The Taste of East Montgomery County.
I know that the staff of The Community Chamber of Commerce
of East Montgomery County ushered all in with great cheer-
Expecting and knowing that you will come back again next year.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Society Meeting For April 2009

The East Montgomery County Historical Meeting for April 2009 will be Tuesday April 14th, at 7 p.m. Meet and greet is at 6:30 p.m. Our meetings are located at the R.B. Tullis Library in New Caney, and are every second Tuesday of the month.


Mr. Lonnie Needham

Family History
of the
East Montgomery County

The Needhams were one
of the first ones at best-
To reside in the "original"
livable forest.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
East Montgomery County

Monday, March 23, 2009

Three Things About This Friday

Three things about this Friday:

1. One can savor the weekend.

2. The Montgomery County Fair and Rodeo kick off for the 52nd

3. The Texian Army, of 500 men including Commander
Col. James Fannin were executed, in 1836, after a surrender
order was written. Genral Urrea, under the command of
General Santa Anna, violated the surrender agreement
which caused great outrage, leading to a total victory over
Santa Anna at San Jacinto 24 days later. (Remember Goliad.)
On March 27th, The Sons of the Republic of Texas ask that
everyone join them in honoring all of the men-
Who sacrificed and paid the ultimate price to live with freedom
from tyranny and oppression. Heroes today, as much as back
Learn More
Texas Handbook Online
e-mail with this information
sent by Jerry Gay, Sr.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Three Things That We Are Looking Forward To In East Montgomery County

Three things that we are looking forward to in East Montgomery County:

1. The Dinosaur Park.

2. Texas Sawmill Festival 2009.

3. The completion of the road construction at FM 1314 and Hwy. 59.
Patience at its best-
In the midst of progress..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Places One Will Find The East Montgomery County Historical Society 10-17-08

Three places one will find the East Montgomery County Historical Society:

1. At the Community Festival Saturday October 18 at Bull Sallas Park in New Caney.

2. At the East Montgomery County Historical Society's garage sale at our Community Building, on Saturday November 1 next to the Porter Fire Station.

3. At the Christmas in November Craft Show & Light Parade in Splendora on November 15.
The East Montgomery County Historical Society collecting and sharing your past-
Bringing together East County memories that will enlighten and last..

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Reasons To Attend Math Family Night At The New Caney Sixth Grade Campus 10-17-08

Three reasons to attend Math Family Night at the New Caney Sixth Grade Campus:

1. Family fun.

2. Fun learning.

3. The games.
Thursday, October 23rd, 6 to 7:30 p.m. is the date and time to go-
To participate in "Are You Smarter Than A 6th Grader" and "Math Bingo.".

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Places For The Kids To Play This Saturday October 18, 2008

Three places for the kids to play this Saturday, October 18:

1. At home.

2. At the park.

3. At the Community Festival at Bull Sallas Park, New Caney.
All proceeds benefit the Houston Livestock and Rodeo Scholarship Fund, so come on out-
Enjoy yourself, and experience what East Montgomery County is all about..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times
Three examples of soon to be:

1. It will soon be Thanksgiving.

2. It will soon be another year.

3. That dinosaur park in New Caney is one step closer.
The East Montgomery County Improvement District is working its way-
To ensure that the development of the park, will get underway. .

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things About Destiny's Door

Three Things About Destiny's Door:

1. It found its beginning in 2002.

2. It's about the desire to reach out to our youth who are struggling to complete their education while coping with the expense and responsibility of raising a child.

3. The 2nd annual "A Promised Future" banquet will be held on Sat. Oct. 25 @ 7:00 p.m., at the Nathaniel Center.
Join Destiny's Door-
To reflect, celebrate, and so much more.

Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Ways To Pick Up Sticks In East Montgomery County

Three ways to pick up sticks in East Montgomery County:

1. By hand.

2. By shovel. 3.

With your grandson, Joshua.
Yeah, we're still picking up sticks-
Looking for fun ways to do it such as who has the largest picks..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things That Cindi Says

Three things that Cindi says:

1. If you are free this weekend please come to our church bazaar.

2. The weather is going to be beautiful for a day in the country.

3. Lots of fun and food for all.
And what Cindi says is right on cue-
So come on out and enjoy yourself with a family member or two..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times
Event: St. John of the Cross 2008 Bazaar"One day only"What: CarnivalHost: St. John of the Cross Catholic Church Start Time: Sunday, October 12 at 11:00am End Time: Sunday, October 12 at 6:00pm Where: St. John of the Cross, New Caney, Texas.

Three Rewards For Checking That Smoke Detector Batter In Porter, Texas

Three rewards for checking that smoke detector battery in Porter, Texas:

1. Peace of mind.

2. Safety for the whole family.

3. Pizza.
Random checks by the Porter Fire Department who rode along with Domino's Pizza for the delivery-
Awarded 3 homes nightly who were in compliance with having an up-to-date battery..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times
October 9, 2008

Three Interesting Points About Your Local Bazaar

Three interesting points about your local bazaar:

1. The games.

2. The raffle.

3. The food.
Takiing place in the middle of East Montgomery County-
Sunday, October 12, at St. John of the Cross in New Caney..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey

Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times
October 8, 2008

Three Uses For A Mannequin

Three uses for a mannequin:

1. For sewing.

2. For display.

3. To create a masterpiece.
Sheryl McDonald of Magnolia has certainlyaccomplished this-
Combining her "canvas" and photo collage knowledge, into something that most would not want to miss.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times
October 8, 2008