Thursday, October 9, 2008

Three Suggestions For The New Porter High School Mascot

Three suggestions for the new Porter High School mascot:

1. Pirates.

2. Lions.

3. Tigers.
The title Lumberjacks, or "Loggers", has a great feel-
As East Montgomery County once bustled tothe sound of the sawmill.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Directions For IKE To Go

Three directions for IKE to go:

1. Up there.

2. Over there.

3. Down there.
Looks like Texas will be the one-
No matter what the direction..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Ways To Remember How It Used To Be

Three ways to remember how it used to be:

1. Daydream.

2. Try to go back.

3. Preserve the past.
And that is what The East Montgomery County Historical
Society was formed to do-
Holding on to the past, by preserving it, while at the same
time embracing the new.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Ways To Really Prepare For A Hurricane

Three ways to really prepare for a hurricane:

1. Buy candles and bottled water.

2. Pick up a hurricane map.

3. Move away from the Gulf Coast.
Where the hurricane eventually goes-
Until it hits, nobody really knows.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Meanings For IKE

Three meanings for IKE:

1. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

2. I Know Everything.

3. Ike Kneads Evacuations.
Towards the Gulf Coast, Ike may be a churning-
Pressing and squeezing, with results that are quite concerning..
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things That Will Happen In Roman Forest On The Fourth Of July 2009

Three things that will happen in Roman Forest on the Fourth of July 2009:

1. Kids will swim in the pool.

2. The neighborhood will gather in the park.

3. There will be fireworks galore.
The Roman Forest 2009 4th of July Fireworks Fundraiser is going strong-
Call 281-689-2827 to contact the Roman Forest Special Events Committee that has been working hard all along..

Three Places That One Could Ride A Camel

Three places that one could ride a camel:

1. In the Middle East.

2. At a circus.

3. At the EMCID'S Back to School Bash.
And rabbits, ducks, pigs, and deer, all for petting-
Everyone had a wonderful time at this East Montgomery County family setting.

Three Things We Won't Miss In East Montgomery County

Three things we won't miss in East Montgomery County:

1. The hot weather.

2. Skeeters.

3. That old truck stop in New Caney.
Gone at last-
An eyesore from the past.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times

Three Things That Eagles Do

Three things that eagles do:

1. Soar.

2. Nest.

3. Win.
The New Caney Eagles Football Team that is-
Rightfully taking care of their biz.
Mary Elizabeth Rumsey
Three by M.E./Rhymes of the Times